Holiday Inn Express Deals on the Internet
Sometimes it takes hours searching on the internet to find the best Holiday Inn Express deals out there. If you're booking for a room, the one thing that you don't want to do is to go directly to their website and pay for the full price of the room. This is the worst way of traveling and I'll tell you why. Simple search in the internet will give you lots of information on how to get motel coupons and discounts.
Just consider this for a while. When we made a reservation for our 1-week vacation in California, we spend a few hours reading forums, searching for Holiday Inn Express coupon codes and basically visiting every site there is that might give us savings in our rooms. We know that it's just out there. We just need to do a little research and we'll get it.

What happened was that we didn't just get a few Holiday Inn Express discounts, we also found a way to stretch our vacation money so that we will be able to enjoy more sights and attractions. We realized that saving $100 in hotel accommodations will give us one more day of extended vacation to go to another attraction or enjoy a sumptuous meal together. And after that, you can have a nice stay overnight promotions. It feels good knowing that you saved #$100 and it feels better having a nice dinner knowing that what you are paying it with is not an added expense to you.
With Holiday Inn Express deals and offers, we plan to save as much as $150 this year 2009 so that we can go to a more expensive city such as New York and enjoy one dinner at an upscale restaurant. We haven't tried dining in a beautiful restaurant in New York and with our savings from your hotel, this year we might be able to that. We are very excited.
To start with this, we went to Holiday Inn Express website and checked out the Holiday Inn Discounts that you will surely enjoy.
If you want to know some secrets on how we were able to save $100 last year and how we will save $150 in your Holiday Inn Express hotel rates, email me at this address